Resolved -
Everything is running again as expected. We are very sorry for the trouble that this outage has caused. We are going to write up a post-mortem about this outage and please reach out to us in case you have any questions/concerns.
Mar 23, 15:34 UTC
Monitoring -
We restored a backup of our database with the help of our infrastructure provider. We are backfilling all the content and users that are queued up. The dashboard and API should be working again as expected, potentially with some delays.
Mar 23, 15:14 UTC
Update -
The fix we had in mind did not work, unfortunately. We are going to restore the database from a backup now.
Mar 23, 11:10 UTC
Identified -
The host of our infra provider went down and we failed over to another host. The DB is not restarting properly and we have identified the cause and implementing a fix now.
The dashboard is unavailable at the moment
The API is still working, but no content is being evaluated at the moment. All content will be evaluated once everything is back up again.
Mar 23, 06:45 UTC